From the course: Using Git with Visual Studio Code

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- [Instructor] The editor is hands down where you spend most of your time in a Visual Studio Code. It has some excellent version control features that you should be aware of. Now, in the last video, we deleted a paragraph that should be right here. And if you notice in the section called the Gutter, which is sort of the area between the text, and your line numbers, you can see this little red triangle. Now, I can click on this and it becomes like a little bar to show what I deleted it. This is sort of like a diff view showing me that this section right here has been deleted, and I get some icons on the top right. Here, I can go ahead and add this change or stage to change, but I can also revert and bring back my paragraph. Now, if I make a change, let's say somewhere else, and I'll just rename this repo right here. Now, because this is a change instead of a red little triangle, I get sort of a blue bar, but it works in the…
