From the course: Using Git with Visual Studio Code

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- [Instructor] Diffing is one of the most useful tools in Git. Visual Studio Code makes it visual, which is a much better way to analyze and compare the differences between your code history. So, if you've been following along, you know that if you see a little blue bar right here, it is a line that has a change, and you can quickly get to see those changes by clicking on that bar, and if you delete an item, say that, if I delete maybe one of these links to a CSS file right here instead of, well actually let's delete this one over here. So, let's select this and we'll hit Delete here. You should see a little triangle, a red triangle that lets you know that you've made a deletion, and if you click on these, you can open up the diffs, and you can go backwards and forwards with these arrows. So, that's one quick way of seeing a diff but there's actually more ways that you can see those. So, I'm just going to revert this…
