From the course: UX Foundations: Information Architecture

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Analyzing a paper-based reverse sort

Analyzing a paper-based reverse sort

The results from a reversed sort are easy to visualize in a simple Excel table. Just tally the number of participants who chose a particular menu location for each task. Here, you can see menu locations on the left hand side and tasks across the top. You should highlight the cells in the spreadsheet that correspond with the correct answer. In other words, where you would expect people to go to find the information. Here we've highlighted them in green. For some tasks, there may be more than one correct location. Once you've added all the data, you'll find that most cells in the table will remain blank. If your information architecture was spot on, all the participants will have chosen the locations that you wanted them to and so you'll have a large tally against one navigation menu item for each task. For some tasks you'll see a distribution of responses between a couple of areas in the navigation menu structure. That indicates that you either need to improve the differentiation…
