From the course: UX Foundations: Information Architecture

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Watch your server logs after you go live

Watch your server logs after you go live

From the course: UX Foundations: Information Architecture

Watch your server logs after you go live

You should usability test before you go live, but it's still worth checking in on your product after you've gone live. Watch your server logs or instrumentation to see whether there are specific areas that people don't go, or a high proportion of searches for a particular item. You might need to tweak the information architecture a little bit in the future. Your sever logs, search logs, and help desk calls, will let you know where the issues lie. If you start getting an unusual number of searches for a specific category of items, or high number of support calls asking how or where to complete a certain action, it suggests that either your design needs to change or that potentially your information architecture isn't categorizing items how users expect. In my experience If you did your card sort and reverse sort research well, it's typically an issue with the design interpretation of the information architecture, rather than the information architecture itself. By analyzing this…
