From the course: UX Foundations: Information Architecture

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The right information architecture is crucial to your site

The right information architecture is crucial to your site

From the course: UX Foundations: Information Architecture

The right information architecture is crucial to your site

Users are happiest when your site's structure, its information architecture, matches the way they think about the problem space. Without a good site structure, customers will get lost and frustrated. Luckily, although customers can't tell us exactly what they need, tools like card sorting and reverse sorting, make it simple to find out how they group information in their minds. Then, we can take that information and turn it into a structure that we can use on our site or in our application. I love card sorting as a research tool. It's cheap, easy to perform, and gives you a wealth of data about how your users think. You can perform and analyze a card sort with minimal tools and technology, although there are several applications and sites out there to help you if you want to go high tech. Card sorting and reverse sorting are great for helping you identify your information architecture. Getting early input and feedback from representative users means that your information architecture…
