From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 7 Systems and Application Security

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Physical social engineering

Physical social engineering

- [Instructor] Social engineers usually carry out their attacks by electronic means but sometimes, they go out into the real world and engage in physical attacks. Let's take a look at three ways that social engineers engage in physical attacks, shoulder surfing, dumpster diving and tailgating. The first of these, shoulder surfing, is pretty simple. The attacker simply looks over the shoulder of the victim as they do something sensitive on their computer. These attacks might not be as obvious as the one in the photo here. For example, someone sitting next to an employee on a plane or a train might casually glance at an open laptop screen and monitor their activity. The two best solutions to shoulder surfing are simply being aware of who is around you and using special privacy filters on laptop screens that prevent someone from reading the screen at an angle. Trash is gold, especially to a social engineer. Organizations…
