From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 7 Systems and Application Security

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Peripheral security

Peripheral security

- [Instructor] Peripherals are the add-on devices that help us use our computers more effectively. We use keyboards, mice, memory cards, multifunction printers, and other peripherals to help us share information, work more efficiently, and produce output. As with most computing devices, peripherals also may have security issues that we should consider. First, many peripherals use wireless technology, whether you're using a wireless keyboard, mouse, track pad, printer, display, or other technology, you need to know how its wireless signal is being carried between the computer and the peripheral. In most cases, that will be either over a short distance Bluetooth connection, or a longer distance Wi-Fi connection. If you're using any sort of wireless peripheral, you should follow the same wireless security precautions for those devices that you would for a laptop or smartphone connecting to the network. Make sure that the device…
