From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 7 Systems and Application Security

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Cybersecurity adversaries

Cybersecurity adversaries

- Security professionals need to defend their organizations against many different kinds of threat. As you progress through a career in cyber security you will likely encounter different types of attackers with different resources and motivations. Let's look at some of the ways that they differ. First, attacks may come from either internal or external sources. When we think of cybersecurity adversaries our minds often first turn to external attackers, but internal attackers may pose even greater risks given their level of legitimate access to systems and resources. We'll talk more about the insider threat in the next video. Attackers also differ in their level of sophistication, access to resources, motivation, and intent. Attackers range all the way from a fairly unskilled lone wolf attacker who's out for the thrill of breaking into systems, to secretive government agencies with access to almost unlimited human and…
