From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

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GPIO male to female jumpers

GPIO male to female jumpers - Raspberry Pi Tutorial

From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

GPIO male to female jumpers

- The Raspberry Pi is all about exploring computers and electronics. When you're experimenting with sensors and motors, you'll want to make sure the connections are easy to set up and quick to change. That's what jumper wires and breadboards are for. Hi, I'm Mark Niemann-Ross and welcome to this week's edition of Raspberry Pi Weekly. Every week, we explore the Raspberry Pi and share useful tips. This week, let's look at how to safely and conveniently make connections between the Raspberry Pi GPIO and a breadboard. The easiest way to do this is with jumper wires. You can purchase appropriate jumper wires in packs, for less than 10 dollars. You'll want to get jumper wires specified as male to female and in lengths of 10 centimeters or better and in multiple colors. These jumper wires have a socket on one end and a pin on the other. The socket slides on to the Raspberry Pi pin and the pin goes to the breadboard. The great thing about jumper wires is the socket covers the entire GPIO pin,…
