From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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Shooting the stars

Shooting the stars

If you missed the last movie, I would like to give you a quick update and let you know that this is not what I normally wear to the beach. But it's the middle of the night and it's still really cold. Now we have lit the scene, just like we did in the last movie. It's actually much darker out here than what you're seeing right now. We've got a splash of light behind so you can kind of see where I am at, and we've got me in a pool of light. My eyes though, when these lights turn off, do great. We are just trying to compensate for the fact that modern video cameras are nowhere near the low- light capability of the eye. We are going to try another picture here. It's going to be mostly the same kind of problem-solving situation that we used in the last image, except this time we are going to work stars into it, and stars complicate things because they're another decision you have to make; they're another parameter you have to balance. You got to decide, do you want pin pricks of light or…
