From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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Shooting lingering sunsets

Shooting lingering sunsets

The high ISO capabilities of today's cameras opens up a wealth of low-light and nighttime landscape shooting possibilities. But with those new opportunities comes some new problems, and in this chapter, we're going to look at the different issues you'll face when you take your camera out at night and point it at a landscape. Before we get into that though, I want to bring your attention to one thing. I'm standing here about 45 minutes after sunset, and I'm looking in the direction where the sun just went down. What I'm seeing with my eye is dark, a nice dark sky with bright city lights. But, if I point my camera at it and take a picture, I'm going to get something very different. I cranked my ISO up to 3200, and at the moment, I'm just following what the camera thinks I should do. I am in program mode, and I'm taking its suggestion for shutter speed and aperture. When I take the shot--and it's a long shutter speed, because it's dark out here--I get this. That is not a dark sky. The…
