From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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Exploring focusing strategies

Exploring focusing strategies

Low light can play havoc with your camera's autofocus system. Just like your eye, it needs a certain amount of light just to be able to see well enough to focus, and when it's this dark, it just can't get anywhere. I don't know if you can tell, but Heather is standing over there, but she is in complete darkness. If I try and frame up a shot here in autofocus. I'm just half-pressing my shutter button to autofocus, just like I always would, and all I'm getting is an image that's going blurry and then less blurry and blurry and less blurry. The camera is hunting for focus and it's not able to find it because it's just too dark out here. So, what happens now? Do I just give up on the shot? Fortunately no. Even though it's really dark out here, I have a number of options to consider for trying to get her in focus. Now, we're not going to talk about actually how to expose her, how to get the finished shot. Right now, we're just going to talk about getting her in focus, because if we can't…
