From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

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- Introspection as a leader is incredibly important. How you show up with your words, your actions and body language can impact those around you in probably ways that you're not even aware of, and it is an area that I try to think about quite often. There are times where I have to be incredibly positive, exude confidence. Even if behind the scenes, I know things are very stressful, and I've got to sort out lots of challenges, but when I show up in front of my team, I have to give them confidence that we are behind it, we understand how to tackle these challenges because they've got to go forth and actually represent what we need them to represent. There are also times when you're working with your immediate core team where you need to show up a little bit more as, again, your authentic self, and that if you're having a tough day or you're having a challenge, your core team that surrounds you needs to be aware that those things are actually going on, and so, I do often think about how…
