From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

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Essential qualities of a good trusted advisor

Essential qualities of a good trusted advisor

From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

Essential qualities of a good trusted advisor

- Some of the qualities that I look for is I think about how to find these trusted advisors or business consultants is number one, they need to be incredibly good listeners, because often, quote sales people are so focused on what they have to do that they go in with their PowerPoint presentation and their agenda and they don't listen to what anybody is saying in the room. They don't even read the body language in the room, and they certainly don't take the time to let the client speak first, so being really good listeners is something that's important to me. I also want people that have empathy, to be able to understand that, what would it be like to walk into those clients' shoes or that small business or to be a CMO of a large business and all of the challenges, and to realize that their job is to be the best part of that person's day, and adding the most value to that person's day. Empathy is really important. I also look for intellectual curiosity, for people that just want to…
