From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

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The fuel secret sauce at Facebook

The fuel secret sauce at Facebook

- Three years ago, I noticed from our poll survey that we had done incredibly well on so many dimensions. Our poll survey is essentially how people feel about the company, their role, the mission, etc. But there was one area that concerned me, which was around work-life integration. I think, at the time, the question may have been worded around work-life balance. And we took this on, I took this on very personally, because I wanted to be known as a leader that, where teams could excel, not just in their career and at work, but also excel and have extraordinary lives outside of work. And the data suggested that this was an issue for companies globally. Mental health issues, stress-related disorders are all on the rise, all around the globe. And I really think it's going to become the most important topic around company culture going forward. Again, a large part of this is that we're super accessible with technology, which is wonderful on so many dimensions, 'cause it offers flexibility…
