From the course: Learning Photoshop

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Control layer visibility and opacity

Control layer visibility and opacity - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop

Control layer visibility and opacity

- [Instructor] In the layers panel, you can turn layers on and off by changing their layer visibility. And you can also vary the opacity of layers. Let's see how both these layer properties work and when you might use them. First turning layers on and off, here in the middle poster folder. This poster here, look what happens to the composition. When I turn off just one small element, the orange dots I'll go to the layers panel and I'll click the eye icon to the left of the orange dots layer. And I think there's a real impact on that composition to turn those orange dots back on in the image. I'll click again in the now empty box just to the left of the orange dots layer. So that's basically all you do to turn layers on and off. Why would you want to do that? Well, for one reason, to try out other design options like we just did, but there are other reasons to do it too. Maybe you want to get a better view of something that…
