From the course: Learning OneDrive

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Sign in and access OneDrive

Sign in and access OneDrive - OneDrive Tutorial

From the course: Learning OneDrive

Sign in and access OneDrive

- [Instructor] As I referenced earlier, there are multiple ways to access your OneDrive. In this video, let's start out by taking a look at how to get to OneDrive through your web browser. And this can be done on any web browser, on a Mac or PC. Again, in order to access OneDrive, you have to have a Microsoft account. I did cover ways in which you might already have an account in the previous video, so be sure to check that out if you're not sure if you have an account. But in this case, I've opened up my web browser, and I'm going to go to That redirects to this address you see up here. And you'll probably want to bookmark or favorite this address if you plan on using OneDrive a lot. Over here on the right, I have the option to sign in, and that's with an existing Microsoft account. And again, you won't have to sign up for OneDrive on its own if you already have a Microsoft account, although if that's what you…
