From the course: Learning OneDrive

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Install the OneDrive desktop app on Mac

Install the OneDrive desktop app on Mac - OneDrive Tutorial

From the course: Learning OneDrive

Install the OneDrive desktop app on Mac

- [Instructor] If you're using Windows 10 or later, you already have the OneDrive desktop app installed on your computer, and I'll talk about how to set it up in the next movie. But if you're using a Mac and you want to access OneDrive outside of using your web browser or if you're using an older version of Windows, you'll need to manually download and install the app. So here on my Mac I've logged into my OneDrive account, but this process will be the same on Windows as well. Once you're logged into your account, look in the lower left-hand corner and find the get OneDrive apps link. You can also click this access your memories link here, if you see that. Either one takes you to the page where you can download any of the desktop and mobile apps that you need. You can see here that the site has already detected that I'm on a Mac, and we can see a button here to download that version. If you're on a mobile device…
