From the course: Learning OneDrive

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Search your files

Search your files

- [Instructor] Once you really start using OneDrive, and you have hundreds or even thousands of files and folders stored there, you might start finding it challenging to locate certain files, especially those that you might not have taken the time to organize into specific folders. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to search for and find files in OneDrive. Now the first thing you might want to do is check the Recent category here on the left-hand side. So if you're looking for a file you recently worked with, it will show up here, and you can open it directly from here as well. You can also use the search field up here to search your entire OneDrive. Notice it says Search everything. When you perform a search, you're not just searching for a file name, but OneDrive will also search the contents of documents and even photos that you've tagged or which have been automatically tagged for you. So for example, I could search for…
