From the course: Landscape Photography: Night Landscape

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Using a fill light to paint at night

Using a fill light to paint at night

- So I have a composition here of one of these big spiky cactus' in the desert. Then off to the side in the background is another one. I think it's gonna look pretty cool with the clouds and the night sky and I already had done my basic shot, which is about a minute. I'm at ISO-400 at F4, I think. My exposure time is a minute. Overall that looks good except the detail on the cactus here in the foreground is just a little bit too dark. I'd like it to be a little bit more perceptible that there is detail there so what I wanna do is I wanna use light painting to throw a bit of fill in there. It's just gonna be a subtle type of fill. I don't wanna call attention to the light painting. I wanna just throw a little bit of fill in there so it looks as natural as possible. So the way to figure this out when you wanna add fill to the scene is first determine what your baseline exposure is. By that I mean, get the overall exposure for you know, the sky and the background to where everything…
