From the course: Landscape Photography: Night Landscape

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Understanding the rhythm of the night

Understanding the rhythm of the night

- It's twilight time now, the sun's gone down. Really beautiful light now, soft, quiet. It wasn't the greatest sunset I've ever seen, but any time you can see the sun going down behind a bank of clouds and lighting up the rim, that's a good day. So right now we're just waiting for it to get darker so we can segue into true night photography. And, you know, there really is kind of a rhythm of the night in terms of the lighting and the character of how the scene looks and how the sky looks. So right now we're in the twilight period. As it starts to get a little bit darker, and we start to lose the color in the horizon over there, we're going to edge into a really special period that I really like to shoot in, it's the blue hour. It's the time of night when you photograph a landscape or a scene and you have a lot of sky in it. The sky has a lot of just really deep, beautiful blue in it. And those can be really great conditions for color shots, just because the sky is so wonderful in the…
