From the course: Landscape Photography: Night Landscape

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Preflight check: A review of equipment

Preflight check: A review of equipment

From the course: Landscape Photography: Night Landscape

Preflight check: A review of equipment

- Whenever I'm going out on a photographic excursion I always like to do a check of all my gear just to make sure everything's in order and I have everything that I need. Of course, since I've traveled to this location, a lot of this would have been done ahead of time, making sure I'm bringing all the stuff with me. But I just wanna go over some of the gear I'm gonna be using and explain the reason I'm taking particular gear with me. Of course, we'll start with a laptop so I can download my photos. I've got my main image drive and a backup drive. Whenever the images are downloaded here they're immediately backed up to there. I also travel with these in two separate bags so that they're kind of safe. They're not in the same spot. Got a card reader here. Obviously we need that. Since this is a night photography project I've got my flashlights here. You can never have too many flashlights. This is a 212 lumen light, so it's pretty bright. It has a focusing beam. It's good for seeing…
