From the course: Landscape Photography: Night Landscape

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Shooting the stars in a night landscape

Shooting the stars in a night landscape

From the course: Landscape Photography: Night Landscape

Shooting the stars in a night landscape

- When you're photographing the night landscape, a big component of some of those images may be stars in the night sky. Now, there's two ways that you can photograph stars. You can have them be finely focused points of light in the sky, or you can photograph them so that they appear as trails of light in the sky. And what controls how they appear is the length of the exposure. So, the longer the exposure time, the more likely you are gonna have the stars appear as trails of light in the sky. If you want the stars to appear as finely focused points of light in the sky, you have to use shorter exposures, and the length of the exposure you're gonna use is gonna vary depending on the focal length of the lens. Now, I have a 24mm lens on this camera, and I probably don't want to go above, about 25 seconds would be the max that I'd wanna go with on this lens. If I was using a longer focal length lens, they have 50mm lens, I probably wouldn't want to go above, maybe 10-15 seconds. So, just…
