From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

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Understanding adaptive component requirements

Understanding adaptive component requirements - Dynamo Studio Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

Understanding adaptive component requirements

- [Instructor] As we saw in the previous video, the goal of this chapter is to create irregular shaped AdaptiveComponents in all the locations where we have a non-rectangular curtain panel. If you watched the chapter where we created trees along a curved path, then you remember that the way we started there was with the final node in the graph, looked at its inputs, and then kind of worked backwards through the graph. So I want to do the same thing here. And what I've got on screen is a really simple graph to illustrate the challenges that we're going to have with placing AdaptiveComponents. So here's an AdaptiveComponent by points. So this is the node we're going to use to place our AdaptiveComponents. It takes two inputs, which are nearly identical to the node that we used in the tree example. So we need a familyType. You can see I've hooked that up with Family Types right here, and it needs some points. So what locations do you want to place your AdaptiveComponents at? So so far so…
