From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

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Select elements by family type

Select elements by family type

- [Instructor] We're ready to begin creating our graph and replace all of the irregular edge panels with our adaptive component family on this curtain wall facade. If you watched the previous two videos then you know that we need to create a structured list of points, four to be exact, because the curtain panel that we're going to use has four adaptive points and those four points have to be in the correct order. Specifically, that order for us is going to be lower left hand corner is our first point, moving counterclockwise around P3 at the upper left hand corner. That's our goal and the strategy that we're going to take to do that is we're going to select all of these red edge panels that are in our file, trace the outline, and then extract the corner points from that traced outline. Once we've done that, we'll have our points, process it a little further, and feed that into an adaptive component node. Off we go, let's go to Revit and Dynamo and get started. I'm going to click new…
