From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

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Placing a point on a curve

Placing a point on a curve

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to move our graph forward with the main goal of locating points along those model curves that we selected in the previous video. I've got the same Revit file open, as you can see, and I'm focused in here on the two model curves, and in Dynamo I have a graph that combines all of the nodes we've used previously. Over here on the right, I have the graph that created a single tree element at a single point location, and then over here on the left, I have the two selection nodes that we looked at in the previous video. And the final thing to point out is the graph is open in manual execution mode, so what I'm going to do is come down here and click the run button so that we can see the result. Now, you can see that both of the selection nodes are picking up the curves that we selected in the previous video, and we got a tree here in Dynamo, and that tree is right there in front of the front door in Revit. Okay, so what I want to do is I don't want…
