From the course: How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist

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Partner support and confidence

Partner support and confidence

- I met my husband, Geoff Tracy, when I was in freshman at Georgetown University in the lunch line (chuckles), in the lunch line, and 27 years later we are still together with three children. I would not have been able to succeed in my career if I did not have a supportive spouse. He happens to be highly organized and does the nanny calendar, and does where we are on certain days, so he's very organized in terms of keeping all of that in line. But I think even more important than that, he's been in many ways my moral support and my confidence booster, and I think all of us need someone who reminds us of what we can achieve, how hard we've worked, and that we know is rooting for us. I think we suffer especially as women, I know I do, a crisis in confidence about can I do this job, am I qualified, what about this criticism that I've received and so for me, my husband is the one who is always been there to boost me up and…
