From the course: How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist

Finding your voice

- Finding your own voice is hard. It's something I've struggled with. I struggle with it to this day. Sometimes lack confidence. I struggle with confidence everyday. I know that might be hard to believe. But the way I deal with sometimes personal crisis in confidence is preparation. And for me, what's always made me feel better is a say just be more prepared than everybody else. So when I read the newspaper, I then, I highlight it and then sometimes underline it. I try and read as much as possible, and so I think preparation builds confidence, and confidence builds success. Sometimes, we do have to work harder than everybody else, but if it gives you more confidence than everybody else, wow, then you really sort of shine. And I know women had been doing this for years, but I feel like there's a recognition of the true body of work that women are able to do, how much they know, their skillset, and there's a new awareness. There's a new awareness about that.
