From the course: How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist

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Covering basic goodness

Covering basic goodness

- Sometimes as journalists and sometimes in the larger media field, we're focusing a lot on conflict. But our role as journalists is to also highlight those who are doing good. And so, we've tried at CBS This Morning to do a number of these series. I started a series called Profiles in Service where we're highlighting some of the greatest Americans, specifically those that are serving in military service. So Simone Askew, the first woman leading the Corps of Cadets at West Point. We did a story on her. Sarah Zorn, the first Commandant at the Citadel, which just a couple of decades ago didn't allow any women there and now there's a female Commandant. So we're also, I think the responsibility of journalist is not only to cover conflict and some of the more difficult things that happen in America and around the world, but also highlight the stories of people who are doing great acts of service and generosity. The world…
