From the course: Excel: Tracking Data Easily and Efficiently

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Summary pages and dashboards

Summary pages and dashboards

- [Instructor] I want to acknowledge and address something. Many times in tutorials, we have really small, clean, concise data sets, and that's so that we don't get lost in the data. And we can focus on the lesson without scrolling around, flipping back and forth between worksheets. But when you really have to work with data, it can be huge and messy. Here I have all of these columns of data from column A out to column H. Let's see, I've got a lot of roles. Okay, so 61 people. Yeah, real life will be much bigger, much nastier, but here, hang with me. So we've got this data and we want some summaries, we want some details about the data without having to dig through all of this. Now, one thing that I've done over in this column that was not part of the original data set in anticipation of needing full names, I have the data in a table and a column where I concatenated the names. All right, now we could put summary data over…
