From the course: Excel: Tracking Data Easily and Efficiently

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Incorporating charts into your tracker

Incorporating charts into your tracker

- [Instructor] Let's add a graph to our data tracker. Here we are on our overview sheet. And we have this histogram, telling us about the different range of donation levels. We've got a lot of details about the donations. Here is where all of the donations are. We scroll down. Okay, that's the end of the list. Now there are a couple of ways that I'm going to show you how we can add a graph. Go into the math tab. I want the sum of donations and count of donations. So, I'm going to copy this, and show you how this is done. And I'm going to grab these headers, copy, and paste them. All right, this is what I call a staging area. Rather than trying to build a graph off of this because we want the monthly summaries, it would be really messy to try to build a graph straight off of this. So we step back, take a deep breath and do it in stages. All right, equals sumifs. Open parentheses, some range, back over on the mail…
