From the course: Excel: Tracking Data Easily and Efficiently

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What is a PivotTable?

What is a PivotTable?

- [Instructor] This video is going to be a little different. I want to answer the question that I often get is, what is a pivot table? Well, explaining that is difficult but I can show you and help you think about your data and how a pivot table can be of help. Here, we've got this data, we've got transactions the rep, account, account ID, product line, sale amount. Now what are some things that we might want to know about this data? Maybe we would like to look at the accounts, and how much they've spent on each product line. Maybe we'd like to use the pivot table to check our data quality. We might want to get account of transactions for each account ID. So I want to give you some time to think about this data, and what kind of things you might want to know from it. (upbeat music) Okay, so you thought about some things that you might want to know from this data. Let's get into answering some questions. I'm going to…
