From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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In person and on the phone

In person and on the phone

- [Voiceover] When conducting social engineering tests, we have a number of attacks we can try. Testing in person and on the phone will require more acting skills, as the victim may notice subtle clues or nervousness. When setting up the attack, choose the victim carefully, as a suspicious or hesitant victim might set off an alarm. Any successful social engineering attack begins by gathering information on your target. Once gathered, the social engineer will use the information to approach the target. When talking about attacks, we can still use the phone, and there are a number of different attacks using the phone. Many people still use a landline or hard line for their phone service. A robocall uses a computerized auto dialer to reach a person. Once on the phone, a person will pitch something to the victim and try to get them to buy something using a credit card, give up personal information, or get the victim to install something on their computer so the hacker has remote access…
