From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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Exploring the social engineering toolkit

Exploring the social engineering toolkit

From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

Exploring the social engineering toolkit

- [Instructor] An effective social engineering exercise relies on influence, social skills, and human interaction. Malicious actors have many tools in their arsenal. One of the tools you can use is the Social Engineering Toolkit or SET, an open-source tool aimed at penetration testing using social engineering. To get SET, you can either download the toolkit or use it within Kali Linux. You use SET to craft an email and then you try to get the victim to click on a link, open a file, or go to a malicious website so they can install malware such as a rootkit, spyware, or keystroke logger, or you may want to obtain sensitive information such as a credit card or social security numbers. The Social Engineering Toolkit provides the tools to build the bait. However, to complete the attack, you'll want to use Metaspolit and create the exploit. The Social Engineering Toolkit has the ability to launch an attack that is in one of…
