From the course: DevOps Foundations: Your First Project

Your first project, DevOpsified!

- [Carlos] One of the biggest reasons for slow or error prone deployments in the enterprise is the different between capital 'P' production and development environments. This difference can accumulate to cause massive problems. Applying a DevOps philosophy to any project can help solve these issues quickly. This course will teach you how to apply technical DevOps principles to the main website for Explore California. A fictitious travel booking company in California. First we'll bridge the gap between production and development by containerizing the website with Docker and Docker Compose. Next we'll use RSpec, Capybara and Selenium to write some quick unit and integration tests that can run anywhere at any time. After that we'll use Terraform to demonstrate how rapidly we can deploy a working instance of this website into the cloud. And last we'll put this all together by writing a CICD pipeline with Jenkins to build test and deploy our website in one fell swoop. My name's Carlos Nunez and I love DevOps. I've been a systems administrator and software developer for over 10 years. Join me in my LinkedIn Learning course to develop your first DevOps project.
