From the course: DevOps Foundations: Your First Project

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Using Jenkinsfile to deploy your app

Using Jenkinsfile to deploy your app

- [Instructor] In this course we'll take a Jenkinsfile that was already created and attempt to run it inside of Jenkins. Jenkinsfile is a way of writing pipelines as code within Jenkins which allows you to automate continuous integration pipelines for your code. Note that we are running a Dockerized instance of Jenkins. So your Jenkins in your company or your enterprise may be set up a little bit differently than the way that we have it for this demo. If you're not using Dockerized Jenkins at your company or enterprise, I would highly recommend it. Talk to your admins to see if they would be willing to incorporate it. Let's take a quick look at our repository here. So I have a terminal up and I'm just going to type ls -l to get a listing of what's currently in my repository and I have just a few files. I have a Docker compose, yaml which has our Jenkins service in it. Let me go ahead and cat that out. And then I have a…
