From the course: DevOps Foundations: Your First Project

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Setting up your test

Setting up your test

- [Instructor] Now that our website works inside of Docker, we should start thinking about how to write some automated tests for it. In this course, we will write a few simple unit tests for a web app with Tools, RSpec, Capybara, and Selenium. Then we'll use what we learned to create a Docker file and a Docker Compose manifest to run these tests within Docker Compose. Are you ready? I'm super ready, let's get started. RSpec is a Ruby-based testing framework. I like using it because of its domain-specific language or DSL. It makes it really easy to not only write tests, but also to read them. In my experience, I've read so many tests for websites like these that are just even harder than the actual website and the thing I like about RSpec is that its DSL's very declarative and very easy to read and understand while still having a lot of power behind it. We're going to use RSpec to write a couple of simple unit tests…
