From the course: Creating Illustrator Infographics

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Scatter plots

Scatter plots

- [Instructor] Now if you are working along with me as you are watching the course sequentially, what I would do right now would be to quit Illustrator, and then re-launch. That way it sets the default appearances for chart. Pretty much back to normal. Okay. So what we're going to look at in this movie are scatter plots or as Illustrator refers to them, a scatter graph or as some people refer to them as scatter chart, but scatter plot is my preferred way to refer to them. Now they're the only chart in Illustrator that can't be exchanged with any other chart type, and that's because the data is formatted differently. Let's go ahead and go back to our spreadsheet here, and you can see that I've put some data in for the scatter plot specifically, and it looks very different. We've got three groups here, and then we have information for all three groups. You can see that like so. So let's go ahead…
