From the course: Creating Illustrator Infographics

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Noun project

Noun project

- In this chapter, we're going to take a look at some extensions and plugins that you might find useful in your workflows. And I'm going to start off with thenounproject. You may be familiar with that website already but they do have some extensions for Illustrator, Photoshop. And I think Indesign as well but recently they've added an OS level application which I find to be much superior to the one just for Creative Cloud. Let's go ahead and go to my extensions just here and I'll choose thenounproject. It opens a bit big here, but I can simply search for things. So let's just say, I want like a cycle then it will start to bring me some results like, so and then I can have a look at one of those and copy that or add that to a kit or download it in these two formats. Now that's nice that I can do that, but I kind of like the OS level one, which I'm just going to switch to now and you can see here, I searched on charts earlier on.…
