From the course: CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Cert Prep: 3 Identity and Access Management

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- [Narrator] Modern authentication often takes place over the web. And the Security Assertion Markup Language, SAML, allows browser-based single-sign-on across a variety of web systems. There are three actors in a SAML request. First, there is the end user who wants to use web-based services. In SAML terms, the end user is known as the principal. Second, there's the organization providing the proof of identity, usually the end user's employer, school, or other account provider. This organization is known as the identity provider. Finally, there is the web-based service that the end user wishes to access. This organization is known as the service provider. Here's how web-based single-sign-on works using SAML. First, the end user, principal, requests access to a resource from the service provider. The service provider checks to see if the user already has a logged in session, and if so, just skips ahead and grants access.…
