From the course: CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Cert Prep: 3 Identity and Access Management

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Mandatory access controls

Mandatory access controls

- [Instructor] Mandatory access control systems are the most stringent type of access control. In mandatory access control, or MAC systems, the operating system itself restricts the permissions that may be granted to users and processes on system resources. Users themselves cannot modify permissions. For this reason, MAC is rarely fully implemented on production systems outside of highly secure environments. MAC is normally implemented as a rule based access control system where users and resources have labels and the operating system makes access control decisions by comparing those labels. The most common example of an operating system implementing MAC is security-enhanced Linux, or SELinux, a Linux kernel security module developed by the US National Security Agency in the 1990s and included in some Linux distributions, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Fedora. So let's take a look at a brief demonstration. I…
