From the course: CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Cert Prep: 3 Identity and Access Management

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Identity security issues

Identity security issues

- [Instructor] As a cybersecurity analyst, you'll need to understand the security issues associated with a wide variety of identity concepts. In this course, we discuss many of those issues. Let's take a moment to consider them in the categories used by the CySA+ exam before we dive into the details. Identities deal with people and therefore, many of the security issues that we experience with identity and access management are also tied to personnel. We need to make sure that users receive appropriate training and awareness programs to ensure that they understand identity security concepts including the safeguards that they must follow to protect their own identity. We also need to combat social engineering campaigns that use tactics like phishing to attempt to compromise user identities. And we need to understand the insider threat. Many security issues that arise in our organization will come from within. And…
