From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional

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- [Instructor] Any time you're working in an assembly, some of the parts are going to be fixed or restrained, and some of them are going to be free-floating. Now to add or remove a restraint, in general what we're going to be talking about when we're talking about purely in an assembly is we're going to be adding a fixed or a float condition to that. Now depending on how you build your assembly, if we build an assembly and we brought in the first part as a Create Assembly from Part, it's going to have a fixed relationship here and the very first part is going to be locked to the origin. If you just dragged and dropped to build an assembly and you didn't start from one part, everything's going to be pretty much floating around and you need to be find one of these pieces to be fixed, or you're going to have to add some mates to it. So we're going to be talking about mates in a different movie. However, in this case here, let's just talk about fixed or float. So the first one here is…
