From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional

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Modify a cutout

Modify a cutout

- [Instructor] Another type of question you may see on the exam is some type of a cutout or a major part change that's going to generally cause a bunch of features to fail. And they're testing to see if you know how to go back through the tree and solve the issues inside of that part. So in this example here I've got this part, which is the 4.2-1, which is the part we've been pretty much working with. And then we want to modify to this version over here. So instead of this long slot, we actually just have a hole. And that's the modification we need to make. So we're going to go ahead and I'll show you how I would go about doing that. So right over here is the part. So we need to go back and figure out where this hole is created. So if I click on the actual feature itself, you can see that right over here, it's a circular pattern. Here's my original shape. Now if I click on the history bar, I can roll that feature all the way back to that original shape right there and click on it and…
