From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional

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Assembly features

Assembly features

- [Instructor] Assembly features work almost exactly the same way as regular features do on individual parts, however, this time they are applying at the Assembly level and not necessarily on the part level. Now, we do have the option to propagate that feature back to the part if we want to. However, we can keep it purely in the Assembly. Let's take a look. I'm going to click on this face right here and I'm going to come up here to Assembly Features. I'm going to go down on Sketch first for a sketch. I'm going to start a sketch right there on that face. I'm just going to make a big box here. There it is and I'm going to then cut through this box. I'm going to go in Assembly Features and I would do Extruded Cut. I'm just going to drag this about halfway through that part and then click on Okay. As soon as I do that, it's just going to cut through all those parts, so we've cut through three parts with one feature cut. If I go back to that Extruded Cut, if you look at it, you can see I…
