From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 3 Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security Audio Review

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Identity and access management Q&A

Identity and access management Q&A

- [Instructor] Here's a question on identity and access management, similar to those that you might find on the CCSP exam. You're building an access control list for a file server that you're deploying in your cloud-based infrastructure as a service environment. What access control activity are you performing? Is this single-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication, an access control list used for identification, or an access control list used for authorization? Let me repeat that question for you. You're building an access control list for a file server that you're deploying in your cloud-based infrastructure as a service environment. What access control activity are you performing? Is this single-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication, an access control list used for identification, or an access control list used for authorization? (timer ticking) (bell ringing) Access control lists specify who…
