From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 3 Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security Audio Review

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Host security

Host security

- [Instructor] In chapter two I explained host security, a very important security control in the world of cloud computing. Let's review some of the key points. (air gusting) We began with a discussion of operating system security and how customers remain responsible for securing the operating systems of virtualized servers in an infrastructure as a service environment. (air gusting) We talked about the use of group policy objects to do this in a Windows environment. (air gusting) As well as the importance of properly applying patches to operating systems to protect against emerging security risks. (air gusting) We also talked about system hardening to remove unnecessary services and components in an effort to reduce the attack surface of our servers. (air gusting) We then moved on to talk about two different types of malware prevention technology. (plucking string) Signature detection uses databases of…
