From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 3 Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security Audio Review

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Identity and access management

Identity and access management

- [Instructor] In chapter three I shared a lot of information about identity and access management, a really important topic for the exam and for cloud security in general. Let's review some of the key points. Identity and access management is the practice of ensuring that computer systems have a clear picture of the identity of each individual or resource that's authorized to access those systems, also responsible for ensuring that those systems control access in a way that prevents unauthorized individuals from accessing resources while permitting authorized individuals to perform legitimate actions. The access control process has three steps. During the first step of the process, identification, an individual makes a claim about his or her identity. The person trying to gain access doesn't present any proof at this point, they simply make an assertion. Proof comes into play during the second step of the process…
