From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

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What type of CISO do you want to be?

What type of CISO do you want to be?

- One of the questions you need to ask yourself is, what type of CISO do I want to be? Even with the consistent hats that each CISO wears, not all CISO job descriptions are the same. There are three different types of CISOs and each type has a different set of expectations. These expectations are based on the maturity of the security program in the organization, the stage the organization is in, and, in many cases, the reason for the departure of the last CISO, if there was one. So, let's dive right in. There are two different types of organizations, business-to-business and business-to-consumer, and we're going to abbreviate them with B2B and B2C In the B2B world, the organization's primary customer is other organizations. In the B2C world, the organization's primary customers are other consumers, such as you and I. In a B2B organization, this CISO will have a lot of interaction with other CISOs, legal departments…
