From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

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Put it on paper and socialize

Put it on paper and socialize

- Communication is less about what you say or how you say it, and more about how your audience hears, processes, and comprehends it. Your strategy will fail if you don't communicate it properly. You want everyone that has a role in executing your strategy to understand it well enough that they can share it with their teams and stakeholders. The simplicity and clarity of this message is on you as a leader to establish. Your strategy should be written in document format, and there should be an accompanying version in slide format. You should be able to present it in 30, 60 or 90 minute timeframes. I can't tell you how many times my one hour meeting was cut to 30 minutes. In fact, here's a pro tip. This also applies to board communications. Of all my times presenting to the board at multiple different companies, I only had my full allotted time about 50% of the time. And when I talk to other CSOs, many have had even…
